Ross Jenkins


How to Create Effective FOMO Emails

In today’s overflowing inboxes, grabbing attention and sparking action is a constant challenge. Enter FOMO (fear of missing out) – a powerful marketing tool that can turn passive recipients into engaged customers.

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Google & Yahoo email changes 2024

Google & Yahoo Email Changes 2024

Dive into the latest tweaks in Gmail and Yahoo emails since February 2024. See what’s new, learn about fresh rules, and find out how these changes could affect how you email.

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Interactive emails

How to Create Interactive Emails

Interactive emails are the new frontier of email marketing, and they’re more popular than ever before. By incorporating interactive elements into your emails, you can increase engagement, boost click-through rates, and improve your overall marketing ROI.

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AI Email Marketing Tools

How to Use AI in Email Marketing

Curious to discover how AI can transform your campaigns? From crafting irresistible subject lines to suggesting the perfect words, our article unveils the secrets of leveraging AI for impactful email marketing.

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Email Delivery Factors

7 Factors That Influence Email Delivery

Unveil the mystery behind successful email delivery. From authentication protocols to perfect timing, we’ve got the key factors you need to know. Ready to transform your email game?

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Partnering with social media influencers

Influencer Marketing: How to Partner with the Right Influencers

Influencer collaborations have become an essential strategy for today’s digital marketing. But how do you choose the right influencers to amplify your brand’s message? Our comprehensive guide explores 5 crucial steps to ensure your influencer marketing campaign hits the mark.

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