7 Factors That Influence Email Delivery

Email Delivery Factors
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In 2023, email remains a cornerstone for personal and professional correspondence. In fact, people send and receive more than 347 billion emails each day. However, the success of email campaigns is not solely dependent on the content of the message; several factors add to the delivery of emails to the intended recipients. Understanding these factors is important for businesses and individuals alike. In this article, we will explore seven key elements that notably influence email delivery.

Email Delivery Factors Related to Building Trust

Sender Reputation

Your sender reputation is like your online credit score for email. It’s determined by how email providers perceive your sending history, spam complaints, and authentication protocols. According to Return Path, 83% of email delivery issues stem from sender reputation problems. In other words, a good sender reputation means your emails are more likely to land in inboxes, while a bad reputation could land them in spam folders.

To up your email deliverability, just stick to sending emails created with the reader and quality in mind. For example, instead of generic promotions, try to tailor the content to the individual’s taste, making the email more valuable and engaging. Thoughtfully crafting such messages will lead to a low spam complaint rate, hence building a positive sender reputation.

Recipient Engagement

Recipient engagement is basically how your recipients interact with your emails. Do they open them? Click on links? Reply to them? Email providers look for these signs of engagement to determine whether your emails are valuable to recipients.

To illustrate, a recipient who often opens and clicks on emails from a company is more likely to receive future emails from that company. On the other hand, a recipient who never opens or clicks on emails from a company is more likely to be unsubscribed or have their emails marked as spam.

Some tips on how to improve recipient engagement include focusing on creating compelling subject lines, nailing the preview text, and, generally speaking, adding a personal touch to your emails. Additionally, consider the optimal time to send it.

Email Content

It might sound like a no-brainer, but it really is true that perhaps the most important factor for good email deliverability is the content of your email. This is because it matters the most to recipients.

We’ve talked about the importance of creating emails that are relevant, well-written, and completely free of spammy content. However, it’s not just about that. This factor is tied with the other factors on this list. By prioritizing and refining your email content, you’re not just improving one aspect but positively influencing almost all other factors that contribute to successful email delivery.

According to the Data & Marketing Association (DMA), incorporating segmented email campaigns is a game-changer. In fact, a staggering statistic backs it—segmented email campaigns can yield an incredible 760% increase in revenue compared to a generic, one-size-fits-all approach.

Email Delivery Factors Related to Security

Spam Filters

Spam filters are the gatekeepers of inboxes, and they are constantly evolving to block unwanted emails. These filters use a variety of factors to determine whether an email is spam. This includes factors like the sender’s reputation, the recipient’s engagement, and the email content.

For instance, a misleading subject line or an email packed with spammy keywords is more likely to flag as spam. In contrast, an email that is clearly relevant to the recipient and has a good sender reputation is more likely to pass through spam filters.

To avoid spam markings, try to obtain explicit consent through clear opt-in processes. Additionally, deliver personalized content by segmenting your list, and maintain list health by regularly removing inactive addresses and offering easy unsubscribe options. These practices go a long way in building trust and engagement, consequently reducing the risk of being flagged as spam.

Email Authentication

Email authentication is a must for ensuring your emails aren’t treated as impostors, serving as another vital email delivery factor. Think of it like adding security tags to your messages. For instance, SPF (Sender Policy Framework) tells servers you’re legit. Transitioning to DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), it signs your emails, verifying they’re really from you. Lastly, DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) ties it all together. In summary, this all ensures the prevention of email spoofing and phishing attacks.

While terms like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC might sound intimidating, implementing them is quite easy. To add these to your domain hosted by a provider, simply contact them and request the addition of these records in your DNS settings.

Email Delivery Factors Related to Overall Enhancements

Consistent Sending Patterns

Erratic sending of emails raises suspicion. Alternatively, consistent sending patterns set up a predictable rhythm for your subscribers and email service providers. Put another way, predictability reduces the chance of your emails being marked as spam, as it reflects a trustworthy and expected communication pattern. In addition, it also helps in maintaining a positive sender reputation, another important factor in email deliverability.

Imagine you’re a company that normally sends out newsletters every Friday at 10 AM. By nature, your subscribers have come to expect your content at this specific time. Now, suddenly, you decide to send newsletters on different days and times. This erratic behavior can confuse your audience and even trigger spam filters, as it deviates from the established pattern.

Responsive Design for Mobile Devices

Lastly, make sure your emails shine on smartphones! This email delivery factor doesn’t always get the spotlight, but it’s just as important as the ones we’ve covered before. A whopping 85% of people check emails on their mobiles, so a responsive design is key. Quick tip: Use email marketing tools, like ActiveCampaign, with mobile-friendly templates for an easy win.

Remember, mobile optimization not only boosts engagement but also plays a part in dodging spam filters and ensuring your emails land where they’re meant to—right in your audience’s inbox.

Final Thoughts on Email Delivery Factors

Ensuring that your emails reach the intended recipients and avoid the dreaded spam folder requires understanding the factors that influence email deliverability.

This way, you can upgrade your email game from okay to excellent. From building a good sender reputation to creating amazing content, each element plays a part in deciding whether your emails land in inboxes or spam folders. In any case, if you apply the strategies described above, you will see results in no time.

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Ross Jenkins

Ross Jenkins

Ross Jenkins is the founder of DigitalME and is an ActiveCampaign Certified Consultant. He is ranked #1 on UpWork for his proficiency in digital marketing. DigitalME offers targeted digital solutions and is perfect for anyone who wants to increase leads, sales, and productivity through automation.