How to use Send Time Optimization for emails in Maropost?

How to use Send Time Optimization for emails in Maropost?

Why is timing so important for sending emails?

Calculating the best day and time to send your emails is very important to increase the chances for the email to be read. It’s an important factor in determining how successful an email campaign will be. It also contributes to increasing ROI and boosting sales. Time optimization helps improve: open rates, click-through rates, and click-to-open rates.

What are the differences between each rate?

Open Rate

Open rate is an indicator that measures the percentage rate for the emails that were opened. It allows a business to know the effectiveness of its email campaigns. According to statistics, the averages open rate varies depending on the type and size of the business but it goes from 15% to 30%. However, having a good open rate on its own doesn’t guarantee the success or failure of a marketing campaign, there are other factors involved in that, like the click-to-open and click-through rates. The three together can give a better indicator of how much engagement and conversions the email can bring.

click-to-open rate

A click-to-open rate measures the percentage rate of the recepients that not only opened your email but also were interested in it. It makes a calculation taking the number of opens that your email had and the clicks made while opened. If a user clicks on the content in your email it is more likely that the design and composing of it is more engaging. Therefore, the click-to-open rate is a better indicator to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns.

click-through rate

Personalizing your email makes a bigger impact than sending emails addressed to a broad audience. It’s like someone speaking your name rather than saying “hey you”. The first one will definitely grab your attention while the second one you probably may choose to ignore. Combine it with friendly words and this will increase contacts’ trust in you.

What is the best time to send emails?

The best times for sending emails depends mostly on the buyer persona for your marketing strategy. For example, it’s not the same sending emails for offering deals on clothing as sending emails for deals on productivity software. However, there are some general studies that serve general purposes. According to statistics, the best day for sending emails is Tuesday. And the best time is between 9:00- 11:00 a.m. You shouldn’t take these statistics to the letter to build your campaigns unless they apply to your needs.

How does Maropost time optimization work?

Maropost time optimization chooses the best day and time for sending your emails. To do this, Maropost uses the tracking data from previous emails. This gives you better results since all is based on analytics data. Your target audiences receive the email in the best possible time which traduces into better engagement and higher conversion rates.

How to use time optimization on Maropost?

Using time optimization on Maropost is very simple: To do it just follow these steps and you’ll start sending emails at the most optimal time:

How to use time optimization

1.- Go to your main dashboard and click on the “CAMPAIGNS” tab.

2.- Click on the “Email Campaigns” option. It will open a list with your current email campaigns (empty if none).

3.- Click on the “New Campaign” button to create a new campaign.

4.- Click on the “Email Campaign” button to create a new stand-alone campaign.

5.- Fill in the fields related to the control records for your campaign: Name, Subject, Preheader, and tags.

6.- Click on “Next” to go to the next step.

7.- Select the segment for which your campaign will be sent. You can choose more than 1 if you need.

8.- Select the database table that applies to your audience.

9.- Select the List(s) of contacts for which you will be segmenting.

10.- Fill in the sender details: Name, Email, Reply to email, language, and address.

11.- You can suppress some contacts if you need to. Choose the filters that will discard contacts from your lists. 

12.- Choose the content that you’ll be sending. It can be static or dynamic.

13.- Click on “SPAM CHECK” to check whether your email could potentially be marked as spam.

14.- Click on “Next” to go to the next step.

15.- You’ll be presented with the sending screen. Here you can choose to send your campaign immediately or to schedule it. What we want to do for this tutorial is to schedule it based on Send-Time optimization. Select that option.

16.- You’ll have a date picker and two check-boxes: one for the Best-Time and another for Best-Day. Choosing a date on the date picker will send email for contacts that haven’t received emails from you yet.

17.- The Best-Time option will choose the best hour for sending the email during the next 24 hours. The Best-Day will choose the best day during the next 7 days. If you select both, it will send the email at the best day and time. Take into account that this is based on data from previous email sendings. If the contact hasn’t received any emails yet, the date from the date-picker will be used instead.

18.- You can select the Pre-sender calculation to start calculating the targeted audience some hours before the sending. This will avoid delays in the sending.

19.- If you want to test your email campaign before sending click on “SEND TEST”.

20.- Click on “REVIEW” to review the details of your campaign.

21.- Click “SCHEDULE” to schedule your campaign sending.

22.- That’s it. Your email campaign will start sending at the best time possible for your contacts.

That’s how easy it is to start optimizing the sending time for your email campaigns. This will undeniably improve your contacts’ engagement and increase your ROI. If you have any problems while trying to optimize your email campaigns on Maropost, we can help you solve them. Also, we can help you with anything related to your Maropost dashboard and marketing strategy overall. If you are interested don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll reach to you as soon as possible.